Sunday 19 August 2012

Sonic the Werehog Part Two

 Sonic the Werehog

So the whole team went back to the forest with Sonic as the Werehog. Tails the fox, used both of his tails as propellers to fly above the werewolf and distracted him from the sky, while everyone else attacked him at ground level. But some unlucky things happened. The werewolf saw the others coming, despite Tails distracting him, and he attacked them. Not even Sonic as the Werehog could defeat him. Luckily, no one else got scratched.
The next night they went back but the same thing happened. The next night they done the same but the same thing happened again. Sonic decided to add Blaze to the team but when they went to attack the werewolf, they were defeated again. Despite the fact that Dr. Eggman and Sonic were enemies, Sonic decided to add Dr. Eggman to the team, because the danger from the werewolf was greater than their differences. At first Dr. Eggman said no but Sonic said “Do you really want to be a werewolf”
“No” said Dr. Eggman.
So the team went back to the forest but they still could not beat the werewolf. They decided to add Rouge to the team but the same thing happened again, and they could not bring the werewolf down. They kept on adding people to the team until everyone was on the team but the werewolf was still too strong. By now everyone was out of ideas, and no one knew what to do. They kept on thinking and thinking and thinking but no mater how hard they thought they just could not think of a way to defeat the werewolf. Suddenly Tails thought of the chaos emeralds – seven diamonds that have the power to turn Sonic into Super-Sonic – so everyone went to find a chaos emerald. They searched all the game levels and found all seven of the chaos emeralds. Once all seven chaos emeralds were together, Sonic and the others were all transformed into their super-forms. Even with this extra power, the team could not defeat the werewolf. He was just too strong. After that no one had any idea of what to do. They thought there was nothing to do until Knuckles remembered the master emerald, which was the most powerful emerald that Knuckles was in charge of guarding so that Dr. Eggman could not steal it. So they used the master emerald to give themselves their super forms again, but even more powerful this time. But the werewolf was still too strong for the team. Everyone said “What are we going to do? That was the master emerald.”
But then sonic thought “what if we use the chaos emeralds and the master emerald at the same time?” So, when Sonic next transformed into the Werehog, they went back to the forest intending to kill the werewolf once and for all. But when they got there the werewolf had a team as well.
So they now knew that it will be a very big fight. Everyone tried and tried and tried but the werewolves just would not die. There was one thing they did not do. Chaos. So Dr. Eggman unleashed Chaos – the monster who is trapped inside Dr Eggman. Then Chaos killed all the werewolves. After the battle they checked if anyone was scratched. Only one person was ...

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